Friday 13 May 2011

Angry Birds are coming for you!!!!

A music... Maybe a video, otherwise, this is who mad it--> 
OK, so first of all, look at her face, this is the type of woman that goes in your room while you sleep, And have a good sleep... Now this is actually good video cause, the girl actually sounds like the theme song, and if you even look closer, its Jason's mom when she was 20. Now its definitely not as awesome as angry birds themselves, but it can make you wish you had the game... Unless you have it of course.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Biography on "Gerald"

Forever Alone, from

Now, your first impression on this guy... Well it may be a little weired but this here is a meme (Pronounced meam) learned off of smosh, which is placed to a random person's wall to show that there forever alone... I always use it as mail, and random hate letters to my enemy's. I also put in love letter showing that forever alone and this woman,
will be married for 13 and a half years, until forever alone complains about his income decreasing; this guy leaves and changes his identity and personal information to leave forever alone, or I will call him Gerald... So now that "Gerald" is alone again, he lives forever at the last bar on the left, looking for woman that keep leaving him after 2 minutes.... And emo, or I will call her,"Ellen" lived in a mental hospital after attempting murder on Gerald's family... But he has no family so that's why it was attempted...

Emo emoticon made by unknown user